What is the importance of receiving trophy plaques in the workplace? 

  1. Recognizes success
  2. Acknowledges effort and hard work
  3. Boosts motivation and productivity
  4. Encourages a positive learning environment
  5. Good branding for the company

There are many occasions when you can reward trophy plaques. One of them is in the workplace to recognize your employees. Gestures as simple as this can do wonders in boosting the working habits, morale, and productivity of your team. At the same time, it also shows that you as the employer care for and recognize all the efforts made by the team. 

Keep reading to find out more about the importance of receiving trophy plaques in the workplace!

Recognizes success

As an employer, awards are not just given to any office worker. It’s given to reward the effort someone put towards a specific project or their performance for the entire quarter or year.

Awarding a trophy plaque to your employees also recognizes their excellence among their teammates, colleagues, and in the workplace. The gesture of handing them an elegantly crafted and personalized trophy plaque is solid proof that you have noticed their efforts, and want to thank them for it. 

In a competition, being awarded a trophy feels gratifying, especially after the hard work and preparation put in by an individual to win. This feeling is the same for employees. They want to be recognized for their contributions to work, whether they are participating in a big project, or helping the company reach its quarterly goals. 

Acknowledges effort and hard work

Acknowledges effort and hard work

Make this acknowledgment something more than verbal acknowledgment. Some workers may find it good enough to receive a casual “job well done!” from you, but it pays off to go the extra mile. Let your actions speak louder than words by handing out an award. 

A trophy plaque is a good incentive for employees. Every quarter or month, you can award someone who stood out from the rest. Some employees exert effort and work harder than other members of the team. 

Acts like this paint a good image for the employee and you as an employer. Your employee will feel grateful that the efforts they poured in for the past few months paid off. For you as an employer, it will show your staff that you pay attention to them. It shows them that you are watching and are not afraid to acknowledge good work. 

Boosts motivation and productivity

Motivation goes a long way in any kind of setting. This affects a group in a good way. In the office, you can boost the motivation and production of the team with awards. It also encourages them to do better and strive harder to accomplish their goals and deliverables. 

As an employer, you can treat this as a friendly competition. Encourage the team to do their best by presenting awards. Put personalized awards on them like “Employee of the Month” or “Most Hardworking Member”. The more creative and specific it is, the more motivated it can be. It may also help to add in a few more prizes like gift certificates or corporate giveaways. 

 As the awarding approaches, you’ll find your employees to be more productive at work. Even with the competition over, the motivation can continue. It becomes engraved in your employees’ minds that you did this for them.

Everyone at work can possess a new-found drive to work daily. Your workplace will sooner become a more productive and more efficient place for everyone. 

Encourages a positive learning environment

Encourages a positive learning environment

Just like school, offices can become more productive with a little bit of positive reinforcement. 

Trophy plaques awards show that employers recognize the exemplary behavior shown by the staff. So, by awarding someone with a trophy once they’ve achieved a goal, you give them positive reinforcement, which encourages them to keep working hard. 

This creates a domino effect among workers. Awards boost their morale, so they’ll work harder to receive that positive reinforcement from their employers. Trophy plaques don’t need to be a regular occurrence, but giving one occasionally shows the staff that you don’t want to ignore their successes. 

Good branding for the company

Corporations hold company-wide receptions and parties, especially during Christmas time. At this time, you’ll see everyone step out of their cubicles and gather in a different setting to laugh and enjoy each other’s company. 

These parties are one of the best times to award your employees with trophy plaques. Nothing says “Fantastic Effort” than awarding them in front of the entire company. It truly shows that they are valued by their teammates and bosses. 

In return, this does great branding for the company itself. As you hand over trophy plaques, you’ll not miss putting your company’s name and logo. This increases your visibility to the employees, but also people who may come across parties and spot your logo.

Key Takeaway

It’s always a good idea to recognize and award your employees’ hard work and successes. A simple gesture you can do is reward them with a trophy plaque that shows them that they are loved and valued in the workplace. 

If you’re looking for an engraver and supplier for trophy plaques, you can contact us here at El Oro. Since 1911, we have been manufacturing personalized medals, decorations, and trophies. We specialize in creating elegantly-crafted trophy plaques that you can hand out at your next corporate event.